Saturday, March 16, 2013

“Monk Fruit” For Diabetes

We know many sugar substitutes like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose or stevia, but not many people know about La Han Guo (monk fruit) .  This fruit has the name “monk fruit” because story goes that in the past, the monks in China would use this fruit as food to give energy and to practice kungfu and to keep them healthy
This is a popular fruit that is used for thousands of years in Asia and regard as the fruit of longevity.  This is a sweet fruit and is 300 sweeter than sugar with much less calories than sugar. It has hence been used as a natural and healthy sweetener in foods, and also used by diabetics as a form of sugar substitution.

1) Scientific Name: Siraitia grosvenorii
2) Simplified: 罗汉果; Traditional: 羅漢果; literally “arhat fruit” (monk’s fruit)

Mandarin Pinyin: luóhàn guǒ

3) Vietnamese: la hán quả

Health Benefits & Properties
Monk fruit has been regarded as a longevity fruit for its health benefits. The fruit is touted for promoting a balanced heat built up by expelling excess heat from one’s body. It is also well known for its ability to combat chronic cough & throat inflammation as well as constipation.  It is also an excellent thirst quencher and used to alleviate the symptoms of heat stroke and thirst.  There some research has also found La Han Guo has substances that could fight cancer.  You should consult a doctor for the suitability of consuming this ingredient if you are pregnant or have a special medical history.

How to use Luo Han Guo

Fever – Luo Han Guo cut in halve put in boiling water and drink like tea.
Sore throat – ½ Luo Han Guo + 3-5 Pang Da Hai (Sterculia lychnophora Hance).  Put in hot water and drink slowly.
Constipation – 2 Luo Han Guo use the seed and meet put in boil water.  Drink like tea
Cough – Luo Han Guo put in boil water and cook until ready.  Drink twice a day
Diabetcic – can make drinks or use in cooking

There are many luo han guo products can be purchased in store.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Escape Fire

I got a chance to watch this documentary a few months ago at an acupuncture conference.  This documentary is about the health care in America and it's worth watching for anyone interested in knowing why America spends the most money but ranked 50th in the world.  

Friday, March 1, 2013

No Vitamin D and Calcium for older women

The government recently recommended that healthy postmenopausal women should not take vitamin D and Calcium because research has found that taking those supplements do not have any benefits for preventing fractures but increase the risk of getting kidney stone.  These recomendations do not apply to women with osteoporosis.

I think the best way to get your vitamin D and calcium are by eating a lot of fruit and veggies  and getting a lot of sunshine.  Leafy greens usually contain a lot of calcium such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale, Swiss chard or mustard, collard greens turnips and dandelions. Soybeans also have a lot of calcium, one cup of soybean gives 261 mg of calcium.  There are many other fruit and veggies that will give you enough daily calcium need without any side effects.